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Howie Lee
At The Drolma Wesel-Ling Monastery


Mais Um MAIS060LP

Electronic Hip Hop Folk, World, & Country
Experimental Chinese Classical Religious Fusion Footwork Bass Music Trap
A01 Mantra Of Guru Rinpoche 觀世音菩薩
A02 Mantra Of Buddha Akshobhya 不動佛心咒
A03 Mantra Of Manjushri 文殊菩薩心咒
A04 Mantra Of Vajra Armour 金剛甲咒
B05 Mantra Of Buddha Amitayus 無量壽佛心咒
B06 The Seven Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche 蓮師七句祈請文
B07 Hundred-Syllable Mantra Of Vajrasattva 百字明
B08 Om Mani Padme Hum 六字大明咒
Regular price $29.95 USD
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